Image: Pixabay
There are now several reading challenge lists included.
When adding a new rating, you can select the challenge.
Last year's Helmet challenge is still available as well, in case you read some books last year but didn't log them then.
There is always room for improvement, so please let me know what you think about the implementation.
Feel free to send me any ideas and suggestions on the Feedback page.
When rating a book, you can mark it as filling one or more criteria from a reading challenge.
You can see your progress on the Challenge tab of your My Books page.
If the recommendations made for you include books that other people have included in challenges, you will see the criteria used.
This service is developed as a hobby project. It is very much a work in progress, so my apologies for the unfinished look and crude functionality.
However, it is already open for users, because it is difficult to develop a recommender system without data. Besides, with 1054 books currently listed, I do believe it could already have something to offer.
Every new rating helps the system give better recommendations for everyone.
I hope you take the time to
register and/or
log in and rate some books.
Top Books By Age
Even without logging in, you can enter an age to see a list of top books for that age.
For personalised recommendations for yourself or your child (the service supports managing the preferences of several family members), please log in.